
What Causes Scoliosis And How Can It Be Treated?

What causes scoliosis and how can it be treated?

Scoliosis is a bend in the shape of the spine that causes it to represent an s-shaped, lateral curve. This means that if you look at someone’s back through an x-ray who has been diagnosed with scoliosis, they will exhibit this s-shaped curve in the spine. This s-shaped curve is not normal, and it often compromises the entire shape and structure of the body. The body relies on the spine to be shaped correctly because the spine is what houses and controls the body’s nervous system. If the spine is misshaped, then the nervous system may not function optimally. Unfortunately, if the nervous system isn’t functioning optimally, this can derail and interfere with many of the body’s most important processes. These processes include digestion, cognition (thinking and mental clarity), energy throughout the day, physical performance, and more. Misshaped spines can also cause issues with mobility and flexibility.

When happens when the spine is misshapen?

When the spine is misshapen, as it is in the case of scoliosis, the entire body structure is also misshapen. Think about the alignment of the shoulders, the hips, the pelvis, the knees, and ultimately, where the ankles and feet meet on the earth. All of these junctions in the human body are connected at the spine, and when the spine is curved incorrectly, these areas of the body become imbalanced in equal proportion to the unnatural curve. In the event that they don’t become imbalance visibly, meaning that one shoulder is higher than the other, the pelvis is tilted, or one leg appears shorter than the other, then that means that the body is probably overcompensating in some way by pulling other things out of balance. Oftentimes, scoliosis is diagnosed in elementary and middle school for this reason. A standard scoliosis screening, in which adolescents usually receive in public schools, helps to check for scoliosis and find preventative or treatment measures before their bones and joints become more difficult to move in adulthood.

Scoliosis after childhood and in adulthood.

So what happens if scoliosis progresses into adulthood? This doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to treat, but it may make treatment more intensive, longer in duration, and more intricate. Treatment is different for everyone, so it’s important to consult an expert scoliosis doctor like Dr. Katalina Dean of The Scoliosis Center of Utah. At The Scoliosis Center of Utah, we treat all ages and stages of life. Whether you or a loved one has just recently been diagnosed with scoliosis, or whether you have been living with scoliosis for most of your life, there are a variety of treatments available for you that can help to make your life easier and more pain-free.

Living with scoliosis can be painful. When the body is out of physical balance and the shoulders, hips, knees, or other pivotal parts of the body’s structure are tilted or not aligned properly due to the spine’s misalignment, this can cause mobility problems. Additionally, when the spine is misaligned, this can interfere with the function of the nervous system, causing normal body processes like digestion to be negatively affected. The enteric nervous system, which is a part of the nervous system that runs through the entirety of the digestive tract, connects back to the spine. When the spine is misaligned, nerves that signal the digestive system to operate normally can be pinched, inflamed, or weakened over time. This can lead to poor function of the digestive system, and result in some common symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and acid reflux. Beyond digestion, the spine and nervous system control many other functions.

Those who suffer from scoliosis and spinal imbalances may find that they often feel lethargic, foggy-headed, experience back and neck pain (or other postural-related pain), suffer from forward-head posture and slumped shoulders, have a hard time standing upright for long periods of time, and don’t feel comfortable to move and contort in their bodies. Because of how uncomfortable scoliosis and spinal misalignment can be, it can present a real impediment to your life. On the other hand, some people experience no pain and discomfort from scoliosis but feel that their posture has been negatively affected, their flexibility and mobility is impaired, and that they would be capable of more if they corrected their spinal imbalance.

“I have pain because of scoliosis.”

If that’s you, then it’s time to explore The Scoliosis Center of Utah and see what we can offer to help return your spine to proper balance. At the Scoliosis Center of Utah, we don’t consider or begin treatment until a comprehensive assessment has been conducted to determine exactly what is going on “behind the scenes” of your spine. This means that x-rays, advanced digital imaging technology, and a host of other evaluations are completed to make sure that the doctor is familiar with your personal anatomy, your symptoms, any conditions you may be suffering from, and your story and lifestyle.

Best Scoliosis Expert, Utah – Dr. Katalina Dean

Once Dr. Katalina Dean has a complete understanding of your body and its needs, you may be eligible for treatment. Treatment at The Scoliosis Center of Utah is absolutely non-invasive. At The Scoliosis Center of Utah, we use several techniques and therapeutics to help correct the spine. The objective of treatment is to restore optimal balance to the spine as much as possible for your unique anatomy. This is different for everyone and based on factors such as age, flexibility, body type, lifestyle, weight, and more. This is why each person is given a completely unique treatment plan—at The Scoliosis Center of Utah, we know that wellness care is never “one size fits all.”

If you’re ready to discover what individualized treatment plan we can offer you, it’s time to book your first consultation now. If you’re local to Midvale, Cottonwood Heights, West Jordan, Murray, Holiday, Taylorsville, or Kearns, you’re proximate to The Scoliosis Center of Utah. Contact us today to make your first appointment!

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Scoliosis Center of Utah

613 E. Fort Union Blvd.
Midvale, Utah 84047

Monday8 AM - 12 PM 2 PM - 6 PM
Tuesday8 AM - 12 PM 2 PM - 6 PM
Wednesday8 AM - 12 PM 2 PM - 6 PM
Thursday2 PM - 6 PM