
8 Symptoms That Can Be Caused By Scoliosis

8 Symptoms That Can Be Caused By Scoliosis

Have you ever wondered whether or not you have scoliosis, but you haven’t received an official diagnosis? This is extremely common, especially in adult scoliosis sufferers. Oftentimes, those with a spinal imbalance don’t believe that their scoliosis is severe enough to need correction, but are then surprised when many of the symptoms and conditions they suffer with daily can be attributed to their imbalance. It’s not uncommon for an adult to feel like they must live with headaches, migraines, back pain, and other conditions since there seems to be no direct cause. Many people even attribute these conditions to genetics, their lifestyle, or other circumstantial factors. Those same patients are usually shocked when these symptoms begin to disappear after their treatment. If you’ve been wondering whether some of the conditions you deal with on a daily basis are caused by scoliosis, read on to discover 8 symptoms that can be caused by scoliosis.

#1 Back pain.

One of the most common symptoms of scoliosis, particularly in adulthood, is back pain. While not every person with scoliosis experiences back pain, there is a degree of discomfort that usually begins to arise when people with scoliosis stand for too long, sit for too long, or don’t have proper lumbar support as they go about their daily tasks. If you’ve been under the impression that it’s normal to have back pain, think again. Back pain is not normal unless you’ve been injured, are dealing with inflammation, or are experiencing disease. Otherwise, your spine should be able to support your body in an upright position with no discomfort. Back pain is definitely an indicator that you should come to our office and get a closer look at what’s going on in your spine.

#2 Neck pain.

Like back pain, neck pain is another symptom that is often ignored. While it’s true that a few bad nights of sleeping on a new pillow can cause your neck to hurt, the type of neck pain associated with scoliosis wouldn’t be short-term. Neck pain and back pain from scoliosis are chronic, and typically appear once the muscles of the body are becoming fatigued. Because the body’s muscles are forced to compensate for the unusual shape of the spine when it is imbalanced and not correctly aligned, neck pain and back pain will typically appear after some hours of strain. If you’re experiencing neck pain and back pain, make your appointment at the Scoliosis Center of Utah to see what’s going on—especially if scoliosis runs in your family.

#3 Acid reflux, Crohn’s, IBS, GERD, nausea, constipation.

This is often a surprising discovery for our patients. Most people don’t assume that acid reflux, IBS, Crohn’s Disease, GERD, nausea and constipation can be connected to their spine, but there is a very close connection between the spine and the digestive system. This is because the spine is the central hub of the nervous system, and it connects directly to the enteric nervous system, which is the digestive system’s private nervous system. When the spine is imbalanced and misshapen, as it is in the case of scoliosis, signals that release digestive chemicals may not be released to the enteric nervous system, or electrical energy may not be successfully transmitted throughout the digestive tract to carry out normal digestive processes. This can cause a host of unpleasant digestive problems, but can be corrected with addressed through spinal care.

#4 Headaches and migraines.

Have you always thought of yourself as a headache and migraine sufferer? It might not be genetics—at least, not in the way that you think (research does show that scoliosis is more likely in people whose parents also have it). Just as digestive problems can be caused by the central nervous system’s imbalance, so can headaches and migraines. When the spine is twisted, nerve energy is misdirected or stopped altogether. By treating the abnormal curvature of the spine, nerves can function effectively once again. Correcting scoliosis often leads to a reduction or elimination of headaches and migraines.

#5 Sluggishness and loss of energy.

Feeling tired and lethargic with no reason why? It could be because of spinal misalignment. Scoliosis can cause “kinks” and inflammation in the nerves of the spine, sometimes severing them completely. This gives the body significantly less energy to work with, and can cause the body to tire prematurely every day.

#6 Numbness, tingling, or loss of sensation.

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night with numbness and tingling in your hands, feet, arms, or legs? This may be because of scoliosis. Similarly, have you ever turned your head and felt a “zap” of sharp pain through your neck? These nerve abnormalities can be caused by scoliosis.

#7 Hunched shoulders and forward-head or asymmetrical posture.

“Stand up straight!” isn’t good advice to give someone with scoliosis. When you have scoliosis, you literally can’t stand up straight. It’s not only difficult and uncomfortable, it’s impossible. This spine is curved and misshapen, which can cause postural deformities elsewhere, both in rounded shoulders and forward head posture as the body tries to self correct. To fix these postural problems, spinal realignment is required.

#8 Difficulty sleeping or getting comfortable in bed.

Do you ever find yourself rolling around uncomfortably in bed, unable to find a position that seems to support your back or neck? For those with scoliosis, getting comfortable on flat surfaces can be particularly challenging. Since the spine already has an internal, abnormal curve, scoliosis sufferers may find themselves needing pillows and other accommodations to make the flat surface of their mattress truly supportive for their needs.

Treatment at The Scoliosis Center of Utah

If you have any suspicion that you or someone you love is dealing with scoliosis, there’s no better time than right now to begin your healing journey. At the Scoliosis Center of Utah, we use powerful and effective techniques to correct the misalignment of the spine. Whether you’re suffering with back pain, are tired of being told you need surgery, or just feel like something is “off” and suspect scoliosis, we’re here to help. Our treatment is non-invasive and has produced life-changing results for hundreds of people. Make your appointment today to get started on your second chance at a comfortable and thriving life!

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Scoliosis Center of Utah

613 E. Fort Union Blvd.
Midvale, Utah 84047

Monday8 AM - 12 PM 2 PM - 6 PM
Tuesday8 AM - 12 PM 2 PM - 6 PM
Wednesday8 AM - 12 PM 2 PM - 6 PM
Thursday2 PM - 6 PM